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Disposable Black Powder Free Vinyl Gloves

Published on 2021/11/10

Disposable Vinyl Gloves
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Disposable Black Powder Free Vinyl Gloves

Vinyl gloves offer stronger perform than polyethylene gloves and avoid latex allergic reactions and skin irritation in users or patients. The gloves are lighter and softer than the standard vinyl gloves. Powder-free leaves no residue, helping to reduce the spread of bacteria, irritation and dermatitis.

All-purpose vinyl gloves are perfect for food handling and preparation, housekeeping, cleaning, pet care, auto care and and a wide range of other uses. These powder-free and latex-free gloves are perfect for environments where latex and other allergens may be a concern. Vinyl gloves are versatile and convenient in any setting and use.

Vinyl gloves offer an economic alternative to Latex and Nitrile. They feature a soft touch, are typically loose fitting and are generally easier to put on and take off. These features combine to make vinyl gloves an excellent choice in situations where frequent changes are common. They are loose-fitting to more comfortably don and doff, making them ideal for medical professionals, food handlers, and other people who often change gloves. Latex-Free Gloves are powder-free, so they don't leave behind a residue.

The durable Powder-Free Vinyl Gloves effectively protect against bodily fluids, abrasive chemicals, and oily substances. They also help prevent cross contamination, a useful feature when handling food.And also ideal for people who are allergic to the natural rubber proteins found in latex.

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