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PE Gloves Vs CPE Gloves Vs TPE Gloves

Published on 2022/7/27

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PE Gloves Vs CPE Gloves Vs TPE Gloves

People handling hazardous chemicals, oils and other liquids regularly need protective gloves that won’t degrade when exposed to these substances. The right protective gloves will protect against cuts, abrasions, heat, hot liquids, chemicals and other hazards that may be present in your workplace. It’s important to choose the right protective gloves for your specific tasks and workplace safety requirements because different materials have different properties when it comes to protecting your hands from injury. Here is an article that will help you understand what are the differences between PE Gloves, CPE Gloves and TPE Gloves:


Polyethylene gloves are made from thin, strong, durable plastic which is resistant to oils and solvents, making them an ideal choice for handling chemicals, dipping hands into liquid, and cleaning. This type of disposable pe glove is also very suitable for food handling and medical applications. The main advantages of polyethylene gloves are their low cost, non-conductive properties, and low elasticity which makes them a suitable choice for removing gloves without having to break the seal. Polyethylene gloves are suitable for use in cold and warm environments, but they do not provide much protection against cuts. They are not suitable for use in environments with excessive heat. Polyethylene gloves can be disposed of after a single use. They are not suitable for long-term use and are usually not reusable. Due to their low strength, polyethylene gloves are not suitable for heavy tasks.

CPE(Chlorinated Polyethylene) Gloves

CPE or chlorinated polyethylene gloves are chemically similar to standard polyethylene gloves but have added chlorine to increase their resistance to oils. This makes them more suitable for applications involving extremely corrosive compounds. CPE gloves are similar to polyethylene gloves in terms of their non-conductivity, low elasticity, and low cost. CPE gloves are not suitable for use in food handling, medical, and other environments with strict sanitary requirements. CPE gloves are not suitable for use in cold environments but are an excellent choice for use in hot environments. They provide excellent protection against cuts and are suitable for heavy tasks. CPE gloves are not suitable for use with very corrosive chemicals. They should be used for single use only and replaced if they become heavily contaminated.

TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer)Gloves

Thermoplastic elastomer (or TPE) gloves are made from synthetic rubber. They are resistant to many chemicals, acids, and bases, and can withstand temperatures of up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. TPE gloves are suitable for use in a wide range of environments, including food handling and medical applications. TPE gloves are suitable for use in cold and warm environments, but they do not provide much protection against cuts. They are not suitable for use in environments with excessive heat. Thermoplastic elastomer gloves can be used for long-term applications and are washable and reusable. TPE gloves are strong and suitable for both heavy and light tasks. They are non-conductive, have high elasticity, and are very economical.

What’s the difference between PE, CPE and TPE Gloves?

This may sound confusing at first, but it’s quite simple. PE, CPE and TPE are all types of gloves made from plastic materials. PE gloves are the standard and most commonly used type of plastic gloves. CPE gloves are just more chemically resistant than PE gloves. And TPE gloves are synthetic rubber gloves. The main difference between PE, CPE and TPE gloves is the level of protection they provide against cuts. CPE gloves are more resistant to cuts than PE gloves, and TPE gloves are less susceptible to cuts than both PE and CPE gloves.

Which Glove Should You Choose?

As you can see, each type of glove has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a glove you should consider what hazards you are likely to encounter, what level of protection you need, and what the glove’s lifespan is likely to be. If you will be handling very corrosive chemicals, then CPE gloves are a good choice because they provide more chemical resistance than PE gloves. However, if you will be handling substances that are only mildly corrosive, then CPE gloves are overkill. In this case, a PE glove will provide plenty of protection.


Unfortunately, there is no single type of gloves that protects against all hazards. And even if there was, it would be very difficult to find a glove that is strong enough to withstand all of them. The best solution is to use a combination of different types of gloves. This way you can get the best protection against as many hazards as possible. PE, CPE, and TPE gloves all have their advantages, so use them all to keep your hands safe and healthy.

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