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Non-medical non-woven fabric bouffant cap pleated

Published on 2021/9/14

Non-medical bouffant cap pleated
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Non-medical non-woven fabric bouffant cap pleated

Non-medical non-woven fabric bouffant cap pleated, made of lightweight non-woven material, high air permeability, soft and comfortable


Pleated bouffants are double-stitched

Blue pleated bouffant caps:white, yellow, white, navy, green, orange, red, and pink

Made of polypropylene

Comfortable to wear

Vailable in the following sizes: 19″, 21″, 24″, 26″, 28″

The elastic headband without latex can reduce allergic reactions. The SMS material is thicker, softer, and has a certain anti-bacterial property.

The Polypropylene Blue Bouffant Caps Pleated are ideal for cooking, food processing, and food preparation areas.  They are double-stitched and offer a more comfortable option when compared to traditional bouffants cap. They made of durable polypropylene and are 100% latex free are suitable for those with latex sensitivity.

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